One of my blogs
that I started showing some effectiveness in essay writing is A Man’s Nightmare (Gregor Samsa).This is becausethe text helped me to develop good thinking
skills and how to use secondary sources in supporting my augments. But I had a
little problem with grammar and mechanics and developing a good thesis. I had
these problems because of the limited time in doing research, writing, and
Midsummer NightDream vs. Fraiman’s Shakespeare Re-told. I did better in this essays because I
understood the purpose of developing of a thesis and how to link it to the body
to the essay. But I still had a little problem with grammar and mechanics
because I did not still have enough time to edit my essay and I did not receive
good feedback from peer revision in class.
A Victim ofColonialism (The Little Black Boy). This is one of my best essays that I really
improve in developing a good thesis, thinking out of the box, and applying my
literary theory. I still had a few errors with grammar, but if I had more time
in writing the essay, I would have been able to correct this problem.
I have a dream(Martin Luther King Jr.)This is another
blog that I did a great job in applying a literary theory and secondary sources
in the analysis of the remix by Michael Fujimoto and the original text by Martin Luther King.
In analyzing the remix and the original text, I really gained a great knowledge
on how to identify and examine a text that is a remix of another.
Generally, I
would say the English 102 class was great and I don’t regret taking this course
because I have gained good knowledge, especially on reading and thinking
skills, applying secondary sources in research work as well as applying
literary theories. At the beginning of the class, I thought I could not make it
in the class because I am not good Literature and the course seemed
complicated. But I’m happy to say that I did a great job in most of my blog
post with the assistance of my teacher in class. She was a great teacher for
this course, and I thank her so much for the patience and sacrifice that she
took to make me better writer.
Martin Luther King’s memorable speech “I
have a Dream” was delivered in August 28, 1963 before a large population in
front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. The purpose of King’s speech was to stop racial
segregation and to fight for the freedom of African Americans. According to Stephen Lawson, racial
segregation was a system practiced by white Americans to keep African Americans
in subordinate status, denying them equal access to public facilities, and
ensuring that blacks lived apart from whites. This shows that racial
segregation in the nation contributed to King’s activist movement in order to
stop the oppression of blacks. However, the remix of King’s has been produced by
Michael Fujimoto, a black American musician who holds the same dreams like King
for the freedom of African Americans. In his remix song “I have a Dream,” Fujimoto hopes that someday through the united
action of blacks their dream will be fulfilled. King’s speech and Fujimoto’s
remix reveal problems of racial segregation and oppressions of blacks by whites,
which can be perceive through discriminations on civil rights, skin color, and
the sufferings of blacks.
of the common issues between king’s speech and Fujimoto’s remix is the absence
of civil rights for African Americans. Thus, the main theme in both texts is
the hope for freedom in blacks and whites society. For example, Fujimoto said
in his song, “I fight the same fight that made Martin Luther the King,” which is
the fight for freedom. This proves that he is continuing struggle for black’s
freedom that King initiated when he was alive. . Based Fujimoto words in his lyrics, “Born on
the blacklist; told I'm a little average; a life with no cabbage; that’s no
money if you're from where I'm from,” it can be inferred that blacks are still considered
poor and inferior in the society. Similarly, in King’s speech, he said, “Someday
the nation of America will rise up and live out the meaning of its creed; the
truth to be self-evident that men are created equal.” This shows that there is
no equality between blacks and whites and blacks are considered inferior in
society by whites. According to Cynthia McKinney, millions of backs who lived
and worked in America’s segregated society, suffered terror and lynching for
many years at the hands of Ku Klux Klan. This shows that blacks rights to life are not
only deprived by whites, but other deadly cults are also against their
existence in the society.
skin color is one of the causes of racial segregation and oppression of blacks
in society as portrayed in the speech and the remix. Based on the remix, it can
be inferred that the social interaction of blacks in society is risky for their
lives. For example, Fujimoto said in his song, “Struggle is my address; where
pain and crack lives; Gun shorts coming from the sound of blacks.” This shows
that blacks cannot interact freely in the society without encountering violent conflicts
that result to the death of some of their friends. Similarly, this explains why
King said in his speech, “Someday my four little children will not be judge by their
skin color but by the content of their character.” This shows that the decimation
against blacks in society is very intense, and King hopes that it does not happen
to his four children. According to Lawson, Northern whites excluded blacks from
public transportations, hotels, and restaurants; Black also attended segregated
schools and churches. This shows that whites dislike the black skin, and they
do not like their color to be associated with the black color. However, Fujimoto
diverts his view about the racial problems of African Americans by adding the Jewish
race and other Africans in his video. For example, he said in his lyrics, “My
story is like yours; you got to be bold; trying to make it from a gangster role
to a Godlier role; and Jewish people in cold caves; hate has no color or age.” This
shows that Fujimoto is aware of the fact the black Americans are not the only
ones encountering racism, but some people in other foreign countries suffer from
the same fate.
sufferings of blacks are also apparent in both texts. For example, Fujimoto
presents in his video the physical appearance of blacks suffering from poverty
and starvation. He also describes the
physical appearance of starving blacks in his song when he said, “I walk with a
boulder on my shoulder; it’s a cold war; I’m a colder shoulder.” The words “boulder
on my shoulder” describes the large bones around black’s necks because of
extreme starvation. This shows that some blacks experience extreme poverty
because they cannot afford food for their families. On the other hand, King
also portrayed in his speech the oppressions of blacks in society when he said’
“ I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a desert state
sweltering with the heat and injustice of oppression, will be transformed into
an oasis of freedom and justice.” This shows that blacks were badly oppressed
by whites, and the State of Mississippi is one of the States where black people
experienced extreme discrimination. According to William Pickens, the State of Mississippi
had segregated schools, and white administrators in schools discriminated in the
distribution of funds (2). This shows that blacks had no freedom in Mississippi
and their children were deprived of educational rights.
it can be inferred in the remix that blacks are often prisoners. For example, Fujimoto
said, “I believe in blessings and not jail; in the ghetto let love prevail.”Similarly, in King’s speech, he said, “We will
work together, pray together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom,
knowing that we will be free one day.” This shows that blacks who involved
themselves in the struggle for freedom end up in jails. According to McKinney,
the justice department admits that blacks are more likely than whites to be imprisoned
and some of them are put to death.” This shows most imprisoners are blacks,
while white criminals are released from their crimes.
remix by Fujimoto is a good representation of King’s speech because the decimation
against blacks based on civil rights, skin color, and the oppression of blacks
are portrayed in the video. However, the remix is slightly different from the original
speech based on the fact that it does not focus only on black Americans, but pictures
of oppressed people in different countries are also included in the video. For
example, pictures of some Jewish people and other Africans in different countries
are shown in the video. Therefore, Fujimoto wants to show the society that the
hope for freedom is not only among blacks in America, but people in different
countries are also hoping for help and freedom.
Colonialism was a western practice in African countries that led to the domination and subjugations of most African societies. As a result, most Africans were sold into slavery in the western countries by the colonizers. Nonetheless, this is one of the reasons why William Blake wrote the poem “The Little Black Boy,” who was a victim of colonialism in the 17th century. Blake was a poet born in 1752, and he published this poem in 1789 when slavery was still going on in London. This shows that Blake witness the enslavement of Africans in Briton, and this may have inspired him to write this poem. According to Sukhdev Sandhu, slavery was made legal in London until 1772, and many African salves worked as attendants in aristocratic families. This implies that Africans were transported to work as house whole servants in Briton, while some other slaves worked in plantations. Blake also illustrated this poem in an image, which presents the little black boy and his mother under a large tree in a vast land. The little boy and his mother are surrounded by mountains, few trees, and a beam of sun rising above the mountains. But the image did not fully cover certain issues about the little boy as in the poem. This analysis will involve issues of slavery, racism, and religion in the poem that are visible or invisible in the image.
Blake’s poem depicts slavery era during colonialism when Africans were taken to Europe by the colonizers. This is portrayed in little boy’s statement “My mother bore me in the Southern Wild” (Blake). The southern wild in the stanza represents Africa in dark ages when people lived in the forest. Thus, the little boy and his mother were among those who were transported to London as slaves. According to Sandhu, many slaves were taken to Britain by planters, government officials, and naval officers who returned home. Some slaves were transported on ships that carried imperial goods like sugar, cotton, coffee, and oil to enrich the economy of London (Adi). On the other hand, the image also portrays this aspect of slavery due to the presence of a rising sun beam and the position of the little boy and his mother in the middle of a vast land. The vast land in the image depicts a plantation and the sun beam signifies intense sun during the day. Thisshows that the little boy and his mother were working on the plantation, and they had to rest under the large tree in order to avoid intense heat from the sun. According to Sandhu, many African were transported across the sea to work on plantations, where they had to do back-breaking labor all their lives under the scalding sun. Thus, the maltreatment of Africans with hard labor was so intense that their human bodies could not withstand it.
Moreover, the issue of racism is portrayed in the poem which can be perceived through the little boy’s words, “I am black, but my soul is white” (Blake). This signifies that even though he is black, he is innocent of his nature. In one of the stanza, Blake use the word “bereaved of light” to described the intensity of the little boy’s skin color, and how this affected him psychologically. According to Sandhu, whites in London treated blacks as animals, and in the hierarchy of power in the society, blacks were ranked next to domestic animals. This shows that blacks were not considered as human but animals in human form. The little boy is still confident of his nature and skin color. This explains why he said, “This black body and sun-burnt face is but a cloud, and like a shady grove” (Blake). This signifies that his skin color is just a shadow covering his body, which is not permanent. On the contrary, the image did not portray the aspect of racism in its presentation, but racism is only perceived in the little boy’s thoughts as a black child.
The issue of religion is similar between the image and the poem based on the existence of God in the Sun. The symbol of the sun in the image centers on the little boy’s belief in the existence of God in the sun, which is also express by his words in the poem. For example, he points at the sun while he saying, "Look on the rising sun: there God does live, And gives His light, And gives His heat away, And flowers and trees and beasts and men receive Comfort in morning, joy in the noonday” (Blake). This shows that the reflection of the sun on earth signifies God’s love for all living creatures so that they may live happily. In the poem, little boy believes that all blacks and whites are the same in God’s presence. This explains why he said, “When I from black and he from white cloud free, And round the tent of God like lambs we joy” (Blake). Likewise, the image did not portray the little boy’s thoughts about himself and the white boy in the presence of God. This shows every human being on earth is the same in God’s eyes despite the differences in skin color. Furthermore, many slaves came to know God through their conversion to Christianity by British missionaries. According to The National Archives, the conversions of Africans to Christianity facilitated their acceptance into the English society, and after conversion, slaves were given Christian names and Bible names. Thus the little boy’s mother was among the salves that were converted to Christianity and so she was able to teach her son about God.
The image is a good illustration of the poem, even though certain aspects of slavery, racism, and religion that are discussed in the poem are not fully illustrated in the image. The history of slavery in Briton as presented by scholars supports the fact that Blake wrote this poem during the era of slavery. Blake also wrote this poem to show how Africans were maltreated with hard labor, abused because of their skin color, and how they came to know God. Thus, the civilization of Africans and their existence in the western world originated from slave trade that was carried out by the colonizers.
Work Cited
William Blake. Songs of Innocence. London. 1789. Print.
A postcolonial study of William Blake's Poem "The Little Black Boy"
The poem is about a little black boy born in Africa who latter came to know God and his identity through his mother’s teaching. Literally, Blake wrote this poem in the 18th century during the time when Africans were enslaved in London. The maltreatment of the blacks may have influenced him to write this poem. The poem also reveals how African’s were oppressed by the whites in London because of the skin color and inferiority. Hence, this was one of the reasons why the little boy said he is black, but his soul is pure. He also said his black color is like a cloud that will someday fate. This shows that the whites did not like the blacks because of their color, and they decided to treat them as anaimals. This poem really reveals aspects of colonial oppression of Africans. Thus, a post-colonial analysis of the "The Little Black Boy" will center on the issues of slavery, racism, and religion transformation that most blacks encountered during the colonial era.
The above source is about black’s history in London. I will be using this source to analyzed the history surrounding Blake’s little black boy, and to show how this poem related to the era of colonialism.
The source above talks about how African slave found themselves in Briton. I will be using this source to bring out the purpose of black’s enslavement in Briton, and how they were transported to live there.
The source above talks about black Religion, and how they came to accept Christianity. I will be using this source to explain how the little boy came to know about God through his mother in the poem.
This source talks about how Britons enslaved Africans, and the various regions in Africa where Britons carried out slave trade. I will be using this source to explain the various regions that slave were transported from Africa to live in Briton
The “Midsummer Night Dream” by Shakespeare
reveals different relationships between men and women in society. In the various
relationships portrayed in the play, men are more dominant over women, while
the women are subordinated in accordance with traditional laws governing their
society. According to Montrose Adrian, Shakespeare’s play is shaped by
Elizabethan context of cultural production which represents gender and power in
stratified society where authority is invested in men (61).This shows that the superiority of men over
women, as portrayed in the play stems from the traditional laws of England
during Elizabethan’s era. Thus the play is an example of how men and women
lived in the traditional society of England where power was unequally
distributed. On the other hand, the remix video of “Midsummer Night Dream” by Ed Fraiman portrays relationships between
men and women to reflect the modern society. For example the dressing styles,
the language of conversation, and the different relationships are represented
differently from the original play. This shows that Fraiman represented the
play by excluding some of the traditional aspects that embody Shakespeare’s
play in order to reveal a new era. However, the play and video have some
similarities as well as differences based on the different roles of men and
women in relationships, which can be perceive through the relationship of
Hermia and her Father, Oberon and Titania, and the four young lovers.
dominant role of men in relationships can be perceived through the relationship
between Hermia and her father in the play.
Egeus, Hermia’s father was unhappy with Hermia’s disobedience to marrying
Demetrius. As a result, he wanted Theseus the Duke of Athens to grant him the
ancient privilege of Athens in order to kill Hermia or send her to the nunnery
if she disobeys to marry Demetrius (Shakespeare 185). On the contrary, in the
movie, Hermia was represented to have parents (Theo and Hippolyta) instead of a
father as in the play. Hermia’s parents were at the verge of celebrating Hermia’s
engagement to Demetrius when Lysander disrupted all their plans. This shows
that the values of marriage in modern societies have changed, and a girl’s
marriage to a man is not decided by one parent as portrayed by Egeus in the
The play also portrayed
Hermia and Egeus to live in a royal society where men are oblige to seek
permission before using authority to sanction their daughters. Likewise, in the
video the aspect of a royal society is completely absent, and parents do not seek
authority to punish the daughters for disobedience. This shows that the modern
societies do not accept the old traditions of royalty, and parent’s decisions
to deal with the issues of their daughters are personal. However, the
similarity between the movie and the play is based on Hermia’s disobedience to
Egues in the play and Theo in the movie. Hermia disobeyed his father’s wish of
marrying Demetrius, and she decided to elope with Lysander to a place where
they will live happily. This shows that young girls often disobey their parents
when they force to marry a man not of their choice, and the pressures from
their parents force them to separate from the family. According to a research
by Duke University, in the 16th century society of England, a girl’s
male relatives chose her future husband based on the man’s status, and a man
who brings the most prestige to the family was considered the best candidate.
This explains why both fathers in the movie and play wanted Hermia to marry
Demetrius instead of Lysander because of his wealth and reputation. Thus, fathers
always want a brighter future for their daughters, and they prefer responsible
men who can take good care of their daughters.
Moreover, both the play and the
video portray women as objects of manipulation to men in society, which is
apparent in the relationship between Oberon and Titania. In the play, Oberon was angry over Titania’s
disobedience to give him the little Indian boy. Because Titania disobedience,
Oberon threatened to punish her; he vowed saying, “Thou shalt not from this
grove till I torment thee for this injury (Shakespeare 193). Oberon ordered his
servant Puck to use love magic on Titania so that she will be submissive in
giving him the little boy. As a result, Titatina was manipulated to fall in
love with an ass head man. Conversely, in the video, Titania had problems with
Oberon because she refused to help him in saving Theo’s marriage with Hippolyta.
Hence, Oberon used Love magic to disgrace her. This shows that women often
receive punishments when they go against the wish of their husbands. In
addition, women’s rights of possession in relationships are limited because
they are restricted by men. According to a research by Duke University, during
Elizabethan era most families owned livestock and women were only responsible
for taking care of the animals. This shows that women have limited rights to
own property in relationships, and their roles are restricted to care giving. Furthermore,
the movie and the video are similar based on the fact that Titania pardoned
Oberon easily without being angry with his selfish action. For example, she
said to Oberon, “My Oberon! What vision have I seen! Methought I was enamored
of an ass” (Shakespeare 209). This shows that women are slow to anger and very
peaceful and they easily forgive than men. However, the different between the
movie and the play is based on the fact that the causes of the conflicts
between Oberon and Titania are portrayed differently. In the paly, Oberon and
Titania quarreled over a little Indian Boy. Likewise, in the video, they had
problems because Titania refused to help Oberon in saving Theo’s marriage. This
shows that women often encounter different problems in marriage with their
husbands, and men are the initiators of most problems because of their excessive
use of power.
The video and the play share
more similarities than differences based on the relationship between the four
couples (Demetrius and Helena; Lysander and Hermia). In the play, Helena’s
longtime lover Demetrius falls in love with Hermia, Helena’s best friend. But
Hermia is in love with Lysander instead of Demetrius who could die for her.
Because of Demetrius’ extreme love for Hermia, he treated Helena with hatred
and cruelty. For example, Demetrius said to Helena, “Tempt not too much the
hatred of my spirit for I am sick when I look on thee” (Shakespeare 193). Helena
also chased Demetrius everywhere in the forest pleading for his love in
despair. For example, Helena said in a desperate mood, “I am your spaniel, the
more you beat me I will fawn on you. Use me but as you spaniel, spurn me,
strike me, neglect me, lose me; only give me leave, unworthy as I am, to follow
you” (Shakespeare 193). Similarly, the movie represented Helena as a woman who
was desperate and psychologically disturb with Demetrius’ denial to love her. Hence,
she followed Demetrius everywhere in the woods begging for his love. This shows that men are very heatless in
relationships and they do not care about women’s emotions. In addition, women
are emotionally weak and they cannot resist the trials and temptations in relationships.
According to Emily Squyer, Shakespeare used Helena as a role model to mock the modern
16th century women who will allow themselves to be treated in that
manner. This shows that women in Shakespearean era and in women in modern
societies tend to act desperately in their relationships with men.
The Movie is a good remix of the
play because it only changed certain aspects about relationships in
Shakespearean era that are no longer in existence in the modern societies. But
some other aspects about the various relationships are left unchanged because
they are coherent with relationships in modern societies, especially the
unfairly treatment of women by men. This shows that societies are not stagnant
in evolvement, but they undergo constant changes with time due to development. Moreover,
the roles of men over women as portrayed in the movie and the play are still in
existence today because fathers often attempt to choose husbands for their
daughters, men are possessive in relationships, and they are always unfaithful
to women in relationships.
Work Cited
Montrose L. Adnan. “Figuration
of Gender and Power in Elizabethan Culture.” University of California Press. Web. 5 June, 2012.
Squyer, Emily. “The Feminist of Shakespeare’s Leading Ladies.”
Washington State University. Web. 12 June, 2012.
Social, Cultural, and
Economic Significance. Shakespeare, William “ Midsummer Night’s Dream.”
Duke University. Web. 12 June, 2012.
Shakespeare, William. “A
Midsummer Night’s Dream.” Literature
Craft and Voice. Ed Delbanco, Nicholas. New York. 2010. (184-220). Print.
play “Midsummer Night Dream” reveals a set of relationships between men and
women. These relationships include father and daughter; husband and wife; and young
couples. The setting of his play presents gender roles that existed in England
in the 16th century, where men had more power over women in the
society. However, Shakespeare’s play has been re-told in a movie by BBC to reflect
the relationships in Shakespeare’s play that are still taking place in the modern
world today. In this regard, a feminist study of gender roles in this play will
involve a critical view of the real play by Shakespeare and the Re-told movie
by BBC in order to determine how the movie is a remix of the actual play in terms
of the different roles played by men in their relationships.
The source above describes the women in Shakespeare's play including women roles in the 1600 society of England. I will be using this source to support the purpose of women's subordination and weakness in the play.
The source above talks about the imagination in Shakespeare's play with regard to love and the the traditional culture of Elizabeth's culture where love and marriage were perceived differently based on tradition. I will be using this source to support the analysis of the different love relationships in the play, and how this change with the Re-told story in the movie by BBC.
This source talks about how women disobeyed men in relationships, especially the relationship between Hermia and her Father and the relationship between Oberon and Titania in the play. I will be using this source to support the analysis of women's roles in the play and their roles in the Re-told movie By BBC.
This source talks about the family roles of men and women in the Elizabethan culture of 16th century including their social and economic roles in the upbringing of the family. I will use this source to asses how this roles change in the Re-told movie by BBC.
This source talks about the power of men over women ordained by law in the Elizabethan culture, and how the men and women in this era lived according to the tradition of their society. I will be using this source source this assess if this same tradition existed in the Re-told movie by BBC or not.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Men’s Domination over Women
men have always been dominant over women in the society.The man’s role as the leader and protector of
the family gives him superiority over the woman. In Shakespeare’s play “Midsummer night dream” he
portrayed men to be superior over women in relationships.According to Montrose, Shakespeare’s play is
shaped by Elizabethan context of cultural production which represents gender
and power in a stratified society where authority is invested in men (16).This shows that Shakespeare wrote this play
to portray the relationship that existed between men and women in England
during the 15th century.Moreover, throughout the play men maintained a dominant role over women through
their actions, while the women maintained a weak behavior toward the men.Thus, the play depicts the traditional roles
of men and women in the 15th century society of England, which can be perceived through
men’s use of power and authority to objectify women.
The play portrays women as
objects of manipulation to men.This is
because the women are forced to obey and fulfill the demands of the men at
their own disadvantage. For example, Egeus wanted Theseus to grant him the
ancient privilege of Athens in order to kill Hermia or send her to a nunnery if
she disobeys his wish (Shakespeare 185).This signifies that a woman’s entire existence including her emotional
life is controlled by a powerful male figure, which is illustrated by Egeus’ possessiveness
toward his daughter Hermia.According to
McEachen, marriage of a daughter is often a difficult moment for a father if he
lacks a wife; and this makes him to move from the center of his daughter’s
world to watch another take his place (272).This shows that fathers care for the future of their daughters, and
their purpose is to choose good husbands who will take care of their daughters
in their absence.
Moreover, women are
marginalized by men in the play as portrayed by Oberon when tried to seize the little
Indian boy from Titania.But Titania’s
refusal to give the little boy to Oberon made him to vow revenge over Titania’s
disobedience. For example, Oberon threatened Titania and said, “Thou shalt not
from this grove till I torment thee for this injury” (Shakespeare 193).This signifies that women were subjected to
punishment upon their disobedience to their husbands. Because of Titania’s disobedience,
Oberon ordered his servant Puck to use love magic on her so that she will be
submissive in giving the little boy to him.However, Titania showed her woman weakness when she fell a prey to Oberon’s
magical powers, even though she had her own magical powers to overcome the
spell.This shows that women were not
only objects of manipulation to their men, but they were also marginalized over
their rights of possession in relationships.
Demestrius objectifying of women is
also evident through his false love for Helena.This is because Demetrius had once loved Helena, but he decided to dump
Helena for her best friend Hermia. Helena’s love and devotion to Demetrius
meant nothing to him, and he continued to hate Helena by tormenting her
feelings for him.This shows that men do
not value the emotional feelings of women, and their love for women is
temporal. Helena however, portrayed her weakness through her inability to control
her emotional feelings. Her emotional weakness also led her to betray her best friend
Hermia. Because of Helena’s selfish desire to gain Demetrius’ love, she betrayed
Hermia’s elopement plan with Lysander. In addition, the two friends also led jealousy
to control their emotions, especially when Hermia accused Helena of stealing
her love Lysander who was under the magic spell of fairies. This shows that
women’s emotional weakness does not only affect them individually, but it also
extends to their fellow friends.Helena
did not have self confidence in herself despite her extreme beauty.Hence, she blamed herself of not being
attractive enough to Demetrius.This shows
that men are often attracted to women because of their beauty, and a woman who is
not beautiful has low chances of getting a husband.
Shakespeare’s ‘Midsummer Night Dream”
did not only depict the 15th England society, but it also depicts the
society of today. This is because the authorities of men over women in relationships
as portrayed in the play still exist till date. Fathers often attempt to choose
husbands for their daughters, men are often possessive in relationships, and
they are always unfaithful to women in relationships. The play is an example of how parents, men, and
women in Shakespeare’s society lived according to their traditions. This can be
seen through Egeus forceful marriage of his daughter to Demetrius, Oberon’s
manipulation of Titania with his love magic, and the poor relationship between Helena
and Demetrius.
Monstrole L. Adnan. “Figuration of Gender and Power in Elizabethan Culture.” University
of California Press.
Web. 5 June, 2012.
McEachern Claire. “A sources study of Shakespear Feminism.”
Folger Shakespear Library. Web. 5 June, 2012
Shakespeare William, “A Midsummer Night Dream.” 1595
The "Midsummer Night Dream" by Shakespeare portrays men's domination of women's right in relationships. But from a historical point of view, it can be inferred that the purpose of Shakespeare's play was to show the relationships of parents to daughters and the relationships of men and women in the 16th century society of England. However, the main point of focus in this analysis is to determine the elements of the text that can be perceive as masculine( active, powerful) and feminine ( passive, marginalized) , and how the characterssupport these traditional roles. The following sources below will be use to support the analyses of the play, and to bring out the main purpose of this play according to Shakespeare views of men and women's relationships in England.